Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last Posting

Yesterday the stock was traded at 26.77 Euro. 4 weeks go, the price was 25.40 Euro. During this time the stock was within narrow limit and went even for a little while up to over 27 Euro. The stock was therefore pretty stable.

I personally would not invest in BMW's stocks. However, the company offers far more attractive investement opportunities at its bank!

BMW could be well used as an example of a company with a great diversification strategy on the business level.

Additionally, it is a frim that gradually build up an exceptional brand name. Wordwide a Bimmer is known and reflects luxury, quality and a lifestyle.

Lastly, BMW can be used as an example in class because of its high degree of innovations. BMW always has interresting new features which the company copies eventually. An example is the Road Safety System.

I would certainly like to work for BMW. My father is a mangager there and since I can remember, BMW is a huge topic in our family. I basically grew up with this company! However, despite this connection, BMW offer great job opportunities worldwide and pays very well. Therefore, this may be an option later on!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Funny" Commercial

BMW has a premium-brand. Therefore, the company mainly makes use of sophisticated advertisments. But this one is a little bit more relaxed!

Have a look and let me know whether you liked it...

Road Safety that makes Sense

In cooperation with the TU Munich, BMW has successfully developed an intelligent accelerator pedal.

It determines the ideal speed in each traffic situation and informs the driver accordingly, literally through the sole of his shoe. This “remarkable achievement in the enhancement of road safety” has earned the development department the renowned Joseph Ströbl Award.

As most already know, in Germany there are not a lot of speedlimits on the interstates. It is not a rare case that there's no speed limit at all. So it is left to the drivers judgement who fast it is still safe to drive. But most people have difficulties like the correct assessment of one’s own speed in comparison to other vehicles for instance, or the accurate judgement of distances in order to be able to adjust one’s own speed accordingly.

According to BMW's researcher, the onboard system must assist the driver without patronising him or overburdening him with information. Therefore, the BMW Group focuses on the development of ergonomic man-machine interfaces via which the onboard electronics evaluate recommendations and convey them to the driver in an “intuitive” way.

In close cooperation with BMW Forschung und Technik GmbH he joined other TUM institutes in developing the “haptic accelerator pedal”.

The accelerator pedal “marks“ the ideal speed
The basic idea is relatively simply: Whilst it was previously necessary to depress the pedal with linearly increasing force, the haptic accelerator pedal varies the required amount of pressure. In this way it is possible to set “pressure points” on which one can comfortably “rest” one’s foot. If the pressure point is to be exceeded, a slightly higher amount of force is then necessary. In this way the accelerator pedal “marks” certain speeds. “ The driver accelerates until he feels the pressure point, as he has then normally reached the ideal speed. Now, without further effort, he can, so to speak, rest his foot on the accelerator pedal. Or overrule the speed recommendation by slightly depressing the accelerator.

There is a further advantage: Because the onboard computer can identify road junctions, traffic lights and speed limits, the accelerator is able to recommend a gentle and hence economical manner of driving. BMW engineers have provided evidence of a possible fuel saving of up to ten percent. “In future it is quite conceivable – and also planned – that traffic lights, for instance, are intelligently linked to the vehicle via BMW ConnectedDrive so that the onboard computer is able to identify red phases. The haptic accelerator can react accordingly and either propose a premature reduction in speed or signify an ideal speed by means of the pressure point, so that the driver may fully utilise a progressive signal system as a matter of course.

I personally haven't tested this technology. I drove cars which brake for you if you don't have enough distance between the car in front. I very much enjoyed this assistant because in Germany heavy fines on having too little space between you and the car in front of you. This system calculates the exact distance you have to have by law. Especially at high speeds 100 miles and more, it is hard to assess what the right space is! Therefore, I am looking forward testing this futher imporved system.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Stock price

Today's stock price has slighlty decreased compared to the last post. Today the BMW stock was traded for 25.81 Euro!

This might be an reaction to the request of the loan offer!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Loan for BMW?

According to "Spiegel Online Wirtschaft", a German magazine, Porsche and BMW asked for a loan from the KfW-Bank.
KfW website describles the bank's actions as giving impetus to economic, social and ecological development worldwide. As a promotional bank under the ownership of the Federal Republic and the Länder (federal states), it offers support to encourage sustainable improvement in economic, social, ecological living and business conditions.

Prorsche requested a loan for 1 billion Euro. BMW just asked for an offer but there is no official request so far.

However, both companies don't want to take out any money from the economic stimulus package which consists of 115 billion Euro. They aim to survive this crisis without any governmental support.

I am very interested how long the German automobile manufactrer are able to do it on their own without asking the government.

I will keep you updated on BMW's request for an offer!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Stock price

Today the share was treaded on the German DAX fore 26.97 Euro.

This is a slight increase since I started watching this company!

The Future of the Company

"The big question is how long the crisis will last, and there are no really reliable statements on that," Chief Financial Officer Friedrich Eichiner said.

Due to the crisis the whole automobie industry is facing, BMW started to cut cost in the begining of 2008. During this year they cut ccording to the BusinessWeek 13,000. Curretly around 100,000 people are employed. Most "lay-oof" were temps whos contracts expired and employee who left on their own will.

As long as the situation betters, BMW will be fine in the future. The CEO said that by 2012 he targets a sales volume of 1.8 million compared to 1.4 million in 2008 (includinf motorcycles, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands).

Currently, the company cannot cut more cost without endangering the future of the firm which means they can't risk loosing any engineers or designers.
And it would be risky for the company to lean too heavily on suppliers for savings. They are already suffering from the downturn and could only cut costs by reducing quality which would be bad for BMW's hard-won reputation for reliability.

However, Dr. Reithofer said in an interview:"We took measures to absorb the effects of the economic crisis much sooner than other carmakers."

Overall, I am confident that BMW will survive this crisis and that they will rise again in a few years!

What is you opinion about that?